- 学校严格遵循教育部的各项规定要求,并严格遵守儿童安全相关法律。
- 学生自觉遵守学校制定的各项规章制度,维护学校的名誉,保护学校的知识产权,损坏公物自行赔偿。
- 学校开放期间,早上9:10以前如无家长陪同,学生不能独自进入校园。
- 上课期间,未经许可,学生不得擅自离校,严禁出校门游戏、购物或私自回家。
- 不建议学生携带贵重物品到学校,如有丢失,责任自负。
- 提前接孩子的家长必须先到办公室填写表格,获得学校书面许可后才能去教室接走孩子。放学15分钟后仍无家长来接的学生,将集中送到各校区所在中文办公室,请晚到的家长到办公室接领学生。如家长临时有事,不能亲自接孩子,请书面授权其他亲友或朋友在规定时间内来学校接领孩子。
- 为避免引起其他学生的食物过敏问题,所有学生和家长不得携带含有花生等坚果类及蛋类等食物进入校园。
- 学生如因违反本条例而造成不良后果,学校概不负责;屡犯者或造成严重后果者,予以除名。
- 我已阅读学校招生简章,并已了解学校相关的退费规定。
- The school observes the rules and regulations framed by the Department of Education and Training including those of Child Safety Standards.
- Students observe the regulations framed by the school, protect the school's reputation and intellectural properties and take the responsibility for the damages caused by themselves.
- Within school terms, students are not allowed to enter the campus without the company of adults before 9:10am.
- Without permission, students cannot leave school for shopping or go home during school time.
- Students are not suggested to bring any valuable itmes to school. They would take full responsibilities for any loss or damage.
- Early collection is only accepted with written confirmation from the Chinese Office after completing the Student Early Collection Form.All the students not being collected 15 minutes after class would be sent to the Chinese Office on campus. Parents need to provide written authorisation for other guardians or friends to collect their children if they are not able to do so themselves.
- All the campuses are NUTS-FREE and EGGS-FREE due to food allergic concerns.
- The school takes no responsibility for any students who breach the rules metioned above. If any students breach the regulations above, they may receive suspension/expulsion considering the seriousness of the conduct.
- I have read the Admission Guide and I'm aware of the relevant refund policies.
Privacy Collection Notice - Protecting your privacy and sharing information
The information about your child and family collected through this enrolment form will only be shared with school staff who need to know to enable the community language school and Department of Education and Training (Department) to educate or support your child, or to fulfil legal obligations including duty of care, anti-discrimination law and occupational health and safety law. The information collected will not be disclosed beyond the Department without your consent, unless such disclosure is lawful. For more about information-sharing and privacy, visit http://www.education.vic.gov.au/Pages/privacy.aspx
家长/监护人声明 Parent / Guardian Privacy Consent and Declaration
- 该校收集有关我的孩子的健康和个人信息;
- 该校将本信息表上有关我的孩子的个人信息向维州教育局报告,以用于核对学生信息以及申请政府拨款;
- 校长或负责老师(在无法联系到我的情况下)如认为有必要,可对我的孩子实施急救措施,在医疗急救时校长或员工可将我 的孩子的个人和健康信息向专业医护人员公开。
I confirm that the information provided on this form is true and correct and I acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions of enrolment accompanying this form. I consent to:
- the collection of my child's health and personal information by the school;
- the school disclosing my child's personal information contained in this form to the Department of Education and Training for data verification and funding purposes;
- The Principal or teacher (where the Principal or teacher in charge is unable to contact me) to administer such first aid to my child as the Principal or staff member may consider to be reasonably necessary including disclosing personal and health information to professional third parties in the event of a medical emergency.